Open pdimens opened 3 months ago
This is the first of what will hopefully be two steps that ultimately lead to a simple conda-based installation.
mamba env create --name poolparty --file poolparty.yaml
name: poolparty channels: - bioconda - conda-forge - defaults dependencies: - bioconda::bbmap - bioconda::bcftools - bioconda::bioconductor-biobase - bioconda::bioconductor-biocgenerics - bioconda::bioconductor-multtest - bioconda::bioconductor-qvalue - bioconda::bwa - bioconda::fastqc - bioconda::perl-text-nsp - bioconda::popoolation2 - bioconda::picard - bioconda::samblaster - bioconda::samtools - conda-forge::dos2unix - conda-forge::parallel - conda-forge::r-ape - conda-forge::r-bibtex - conda-forge::r-data.table - conda-forge::r-fbasics - conda-forge::r-gbrd - conda-forge::r-ggplot2 - conda-forge::r-mass - conda-forge::r-matrixstats - conda-forge::r-metap - conda-forge::r-plyr - conda-forge::r-rcolorbrewer - conda-forge::r-rdpack - conda-forge::r-reshape - conda-forge::r-stringr - conda-forge::r-survival - conda-forge::r-tidyr
This is the first of what will hopefully be two steps that ultimately lead to a simple conda-based installation.
install with file
the environment file