stubbornella / oocss

Object Oriented CSS Framework
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discrepancy in template.css on online Demo-Page and Downloadable archive #22

Closed tanila closed 14 years ago

tanila commented 14 years ago


there is a Problem in the current Downloadable template.css file. the .body (template.css line 4) declaration does not work propper in Opera 9 and 10. The version on the demo pages work in all tested browsers (IE6/7/8,FF3/3.5,Opera9/10,Chrome,Konqueror 3.5).

thanks a lot for the great work :) tanila

levito commented 14 years ago

I've committed a fix:

tanila commented 14 years ago

Hi levito,

your fix is working. Could you explain why you and stubbornella using the body:after and main:after selector?

thank you tanila

levito commented 14 years ago

Hi tanila,

the main area should always take the room between the sidebars. And should not float around them. In earlier revisions this was done by applying overflow:hidden. But this cuts content like css drop shadows or layers. Second try was overflow:auto. This caused scroll bars. Next try: display:table-cell for modern browsers, zoom:1 for IE6+7. No scroll bars, no cut content. But table-cell does not stretch automatically to the available width. The main col would be too narrow if it doesn't contain enough content. So the stretching is done by the line of dots in the :after class. It also doubles as a clearfix.

The problem with opera was that it does not do line-breaks with ". . ". I could fix that for Opera 10.sth with overflow:hidden for the :after class and Nicole used that solution. However, it didn't turn out to be the best solution. Someone pointed out that replacing the dot by a different character "x x " would work. So I'm using that now. It also works in the latest Opera 10.5 pre-alpha (". . " does not).

Happy coding! levito

tanila commented 14 years ago

Great thanks,

now I understand. Do You think it would be a good idea to write such explanations down somewhere for other developers (wiki or FAQ) ? I think in case of template.css it is not simple to understand.

kind regards tanila

tanila commented 14 years ago

closing issue ... I see no problems in template.css any more :) thx

tanila commented 14 years ago


martinklepsch commented 14 years ago

levito's changes are now in stubbornella/oocss.

stubbornella commented 14 years ago


Could you be convinced to add your explanation of the "x x x x" technique in an FAQ question? It was very clear and well written.
