So with the media block.. I dont think it's working as I would expect. I would expect the media block to be similar to columns, having a column for the image, and on the other side, text. However the media block behaves the same as just floating the image left or right.. text flows below the image and not staying to the left or right of the image.
I have read an article that accomplished this, but I dont remember how much hackery was used.
I have uploaded a test version of what I am talking about.. feel free to check it out.
First, thanks for all your work!
So with the media block.. I dont think it's working as I would expect. I would expect the media block to be similar to columns, having a column for the image, and on the other side, text. However the media block behaves the same as just floating the image left or right.. text flows below the image and not staying to the left or right of the image.
I have read an article that accomplished this, but I dont remember how much hackery was used.
I have uploaded a test version of what I am talking about.. feel free to check it out.