Open HeatherSavoy-USDA opened 1 year ago
I would definitely suggest NOT hosting the NAM data locally due to the likelihood of file storage ballooning very quickly. The NAM is just one of a whole host of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models hosted on the Weather Service NOMADS (NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System) server ( Other conus NWP models that are provided in grib2 format include versions of the GFS, HRRR, HIRES-WRF, RAP, and the National Water Model. Would an interface to the NOMADS server be the best application for GeoCDL? Say something that can work with the NOMADS grib filter, https download, or OpenDAP server?
Thanks! I'm not familiar with these datasets so any insight is helpful. We are using OPeNDAP for other remote datasets so I'll definitely take a look at that option for these datasets.
Requested via email Mar 3