stuckyb / gcdl

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TileSet performance optimization #49

Open stuckyb opened 2 years ago

stuckyb commented 2 years ago

When testing with SRTM DEM tiles, requests that require ~14 or fewer tiles return quickly, but requests that require much more than that just churn at the mosaic-building stage. The process is does not appear to be either CPU- nr memory-bound, so it's not clear to me what is going on. Regardless, there is clearly optimization work needed.

stuckyb commented 2 years ago

As a quick investigation of an alternative merge strategy, I implemented first merging sub-groups of 4 tiles and then merging those subgroups. The 4-tile merges completed in less than a second, but the final merge still took prohibitively long.

HaitaoHuang-USDA commented 1 year ago

Tested on local PC (Windows 10, python 3.9.15). >14 Tiles worked fine.

Used a small set of SRTM tile files (432 files) in local_data/srtm folder. (There are 71385 files in Ceres local_data/srtm folder)

the piece of code for time measuring in

        start_time = time.time()

        fpaths = self.getTilePaths(subset_geom)
        tiles = []

        for fpath in fpaths:
            tiles.append(open_rasterio(fpath, masked=True))

        if len(tiles) > 0 and not(isinstance(tiles[0], xarray.DataArray)):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Expected xarray.DataArray; instead got {type(tiles[0])}.'

        inter_merged = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(tiles):
            j = i + 4
            if j > len(tiles):
                j = len(tiles)


            i += 4

        mosaic = merge.merge_arrays(inter_merged)

        t = time.time() - start_time
        n = len(tiles)

results of several clips of the region around New Mexico area. (-105,33),(-105,33) t =1.1 seconds, n = 4 (-106,33),(-105,35) t =4.3 seconds, n = 12 (-107,33),(-105,35) t =5.3 seconds, n = 16 (-108,33),(-105,35) t =8.7 seconds, n = 20 (-109,33),(-105,37) t =15.8 seconds, n = 36 (-108,31),(-103,36) t =25.5 seconds, n = 49

HaitaoHuang-USDA commented 1 year ago

Installed Conda Python 3.9 environment on Windows WSL Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, did the same test, results are similar to above.

Installed Conda Python 3.9 environment on ArchLinux 2023.01.01 on a very old desktop (4G memory), did the same test (4, 12, 16, 20, 36 tiles), results are similar to above. Stuck on 49 tiles.

Tried to build a singularity image on Windows WSL Ubuntu by,

sudo singularity build geocdl.sif geocdl.def
singularity build --fakeroot geocdl.sif geocdl.def

both got same error:

INFO:    Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 677076032cca skipped: already exists
Copying config 58db3edaf2 done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
FATAL:   While performing build: conveyor failed to get: unsupported image-specific operation on artifact with type "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json"