studer-innotec / xcom485i

Python library to access Studer-Innotec Xcom-485i device through Modbus RTU over a serial port
MIT License
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Posibility of reading out connected device_ids, info/par description, change of params in RAM only #2

Open Jusufs opened 1 year ago

Jusufs commented 1 year ago

Hi, is it posible to use a function for automatically read out of connected devices names please ? (e.g. xt_1_device_id, xt_2_device_id, vs_1_device_id, bsp_device_id, etc.) Openstuder package includes this. I propose, that both packages aren't capable to work together on same hardware. Reading out description of readable informations/parameter of attached components would be nice too.

Are they some limitation to change the parameter values like 1xxx, 6xxx into RAM only ? I mean situations if power components (xtenders, VT, VS) are working under threat conditions (higher AC/DC current) ? Maybe a stupid question: If parameter 1550 is on (all changes are written to flash) and I change a parameter in RAM only, is this change written also to flash ? I propose that change isn't written into flash.

Thanks for answer.

Jusufs commented 1 year ago

Hi. Using cli command: ./sicli user:pw@localhost describe whole data with structure from connected Studer devices can be read out via openstuder sigatewayd daemon. But parsed can be only serial telegram address (serial=3000 not modbus=0) A list from serial to modbus addresses maybe usefull, to add posibility to call your xcom485i routines with telegram serial format. If such a list exist, public it please.