studica / WorldSkills-Example-Projects

Example Projects for WorldSkills
8 stars 13 forks source link

GradleRIO detected this build failed due to missing dependencies! #6

Open Maito1 opened 6 months ago

Maito1 commented 6 months ago

Task :deployJreRoborio FAILED

Task :deployFrcStaticFileDeployRoborio -C-> mkdir -p @ /home/lvuser/deploy -[1]-> 1 file(s) are up-to-date and were not deployed Task :deployFrcCppLibrariesRoborio 31 file(s) are up-to-date and were not deployed -C-> chmod -R 777 "/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib" || true; chown -R lvuser:ni "/usr/local/frc/third-party/lib" @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib -[1]-> -C-> ldconfig @ /usr/local/frc/third-party/lib -[-1]->

Task :deployFrcCppRoborio -C-> . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t 2> /dev/null @ /home/lvuser -[-1]-> Shutting Down FRC Robot managed by FRC Robot Daemon PID: 686Sent SIGTERM to FRC Robot Daemon child PID: 690 Sent SIGTERM to FRC Robot Daemon child PID: 693 Sent SIGKILL to FRC Robot Daemon child PID: 690

-C-> rm -f "/home/lvuser/frcUserProgram" @ /home/lvuser
-F-> C:\Users\JOE\Desktop\WorldSkills-Example-Projects-main\TwoWheelDrive\cpp\build\

exe\frcUserProgram\release\frcUserProgram -> frcUserProgram @ /home/lvuser -C-> echo ' "/home/lvuser/frcUserProgram" ' > /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /home/lvus er -[-1]-> -C-> chmod +x /home/lvuser/robotCommand; chown lvuser /home/lvuser/robotCommand @ /h ome/lvuser -[-1]-> -C-> chmod +x "/home/lvuser/frcUserProgram"; chown lvuser "/home/lvuser/frcUserProgram" @ /home/lvuser -[-1]-> -C-> sync @ /home/lvuser -[-1]-> -C-> ldconfig @ /home/lvuser -[-1]-> -C-> . /etc/profile.d/; /usr/local/frc/bin/ -t -r 2> / dev/null @ /home/lvuser -[-1]-> No FRC Robot Daemon PID File found at /var/run/kauailabs/FRC_UserProgram.p id Restarting FRC Robot Starting FRC Robot using commands in /home/lvuser/robotCommand Starting "/home/lvuser/frcUserProgram" with Arguments

Dependency Error! GradleRIO detected this build failed due to missing dependencies! Try again with ./gradlew downloadAll whilst connected to the internet (not the robot! If the error persists, ensure you are not behind a firewall / proxy server (common in sc hools)

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0. Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings. See

BUILD FAILED in 10s 9 actionable tasks: 5 executed, 4 up-to-date