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Air compression (I think that's what I'm talking about) #1458

Open Chris353536345373344 opened 2 years ago

Chris353536345373344 commented 2 years ago

A new mechanic that when objects are going fast enough they start to "compress" air thus starting to increase in tempature, this increase scales with speed

It would allow "space" themed things to be more advanced needing heat shields (or just cooling elements) to cool when falling, Although this might need a higher gravity to allow enough speed to start heating. This should also be an option to toggle

Gross oversimplification Basically if going over let's say 1000 meters per second it gains a couple of degrees (farenheight) per second

username90001 commented 1 year ago

aerodynamic wont be added because of idk it wont be added but there are mods that give every object aerodynamics