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More "Machinery"/activation components. (Logic gates, contact triggers and proximity triggers) #1487

Open jackal1001 opened 2 years ago

jackal1001 commented 2 years ago

Feature description I'm sure this is requested a lot, but I have a few suggestions and can explain how each would work.

I don't expect all of these features to be implemented, but at the very least I'd love to see the logic gate and activation inverter implemented. They're simple tools that have a lot of power, and I could see them being used a lot.

Feature purpose PPG's machinery are amazing tools that allow for a lot of creativity in the community, but at times it isn't very user-friendly and can be frustrating, and some seemingly simple things can be outright impossible to create. Adding more useful tools that simplify or expand the complicated mechanics will both help current "PPG machinery engineers", and encourage others that may otherwise be pushed away by the unnecessary complexity to take more interest in electrical and activation signal contraptions. This will make PPG engineering more fun and less frustrating for those who work with these tools, and gives more player-made contraptions for others to enjoy.

bibbybabby commented 2 years ago logic gates exist already

DindinYT37 commented 2 years ago
  • Activation inverters. A "NOT" logic gate, but I feel it functions too differently from other logic gates to be the same object. Activation inverters behave similarly to activation toggles, but they have to receive a constant signal to work. The inverter sends out a constant activation, but when it's receiving a signal, it no longer creates an output until the signal it's receiving ceases.

As far as I know, a NOT-gate only works with a continuous signal, and in that case you can just use an activation toggle.