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Liquid Reconstructor (Infinite Custom Liquid) #188

Open wwwa12427684 opened 2 years ago

wwwa12427684 commented 2 years ago

Feature description

A liquid reconstructor would be a new machine that can be used to make infinite of custom mixes of liquids. There would be a tank that behaves the same way as a flask. And a little display showing current liquid or active state or something else, not sure. Maybe a little face like the pressurizer.

How it would work Activating it would toggle it on and off When off it would behave exactly like a flask, holding up to 1 litre of any liquids inserted.

When on: No liquids can be inserted into the tank. The display changes to notify the user that it is active. When liquids are attempted to be pulled from the tank it will not drain the liquid inside, instead it will duplicate the liquid inside and send that out instead. When deactivated again it will go back to being a regular tank with the same liquids it had before it was activated.

Feature Purpose

Lots of people want infinite custom syringes and flasks, and I think this is a simple little machine to do that and possibly more.


Expertly drawn image of what it could look like. The grey box in the middle being the tank, the sqaure with a tick in it at the back being the display and the front being where "all the liquid comes and goes from". Untitled 09-06-2021 02-38-39

idotwaffle commented 2 years ago


LaCumbiaDelCoronavirus commented 2 years ago

finally, i can make an infinite amount of overpowered strength hybrid syringes

mestiez commented 2 years ago

I like this but people are already confused about the simplest of liquid-related items. I guess I should stay consistent and consider these types of items "advanced" meaning they don't target the average player.