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Neutron bomb #2359

Open Drogo-man opened 1 year ago

Drogo-man commented 1 year ago

Feature description A very huge bomb that vaporizes everything on the map.

Feature purpose Sometimes "clear everything" can be a bit boring. Also big boom is good.

DindinYT37 commented 1 year ago

Sometimes "clear everything" can be a bit boring.

Not really a valid purpose.

Drogo-man commented 1 year ago

Yes, for people who tolerate fun.

DindinYT37 commented 1 year ago

Yes, for people who tolerate fun.

Indeed, it's not a valid purpose for people who tolerate fun, either.

Drogo-man commented 1 year ago

As if you would know.

DindinYT37 commented 1 year ago

As if you would know.

You just told me, so if you were trying to imply my statement was incorrect, you've actually just said that you lied and wouldn't know.

Drogo-man commented 1 year ago

I have no clue what the hell you mean.

username90001 commented 1 year ago

neutron bomb is more like thing that will create a cyan flash and after make everyone get tritium poison

username90001 commented 1 year ago

irl neutron bombs are small nuclear devices that used instead of destroying they used for create neutron radioation that kills everything near it + cancer

username90001 commented 1 year ago

ways to do something like neutron bomb 1 place alot of shower things connect them to tritium source and power up shower thing that i forgot or way 2 nuclear playground