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Life Form Related Changes #2999

Open camo-man opened 11 months ago

camo-man commented 11 months ago

Feature description

This is a series of ideas in one post.

Limb Reattachment: Basically what it says on the tin. Allow players to reattach dismembered limbs to living entities.

Extra Limbs: Allow players to attach new limbs to living entities not originally part of the living entity.

Individual Part Deletion: Allow players to delete dismembered limbs without deleting the entity it was originally part of.

Skeletons: Allow limbs to still be connected even when skin integrity reaches zero.

Android Durability: Significantly lower the durability of androids. Currently, they are far too close to being indestructible.

Brain Wire: Allow the brains of living entities to be directly connected to other things such as limbs and devices

Feature purpose

Limb Reattachment: Gives players a lot more freedom with living entities.

Extra Limbs: Opens the door to more experiments on living entities to be conducted.

Individual Part Deletion: Much easier to keep things tidy when you do not want a whole and intact person.

Skeletons: Spooky

Android Durability: Androids are currently so durable that they would rather disobey physics than be crushed.

Brain Wire: Allows the brains of living entities to control more things.

Additional context

No response

DindinYT37 commented 11 months ago

How to get your feature-request rejected:

inferknob commented 11 months ago

whats wrong with this other than group posting! these are good ideas

bibbybabby commented 11 months ago

whats wrong with this other than group posting! these are good ideas

limb reattachment is a commonly suggested thing

Apfelmoes commented 11 months ago

Literally all of this has been suggested at least once before, and subsequently rejected. Please, do your research before making a feature request. Thank you!

Aspa102 commented 11 months ago

how would the brain wire even work with devices??

ras09191 commented 11 months ago

The dev wont implement most of this sorry