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Particle Quality/Potato Mode #3334

Open YourMother694207331 opened 6 months ago

YourMother694207331 commented 6 months ago

Feature description

This feature intends to add increased performance for lower-end PCs by using a simplified particle instead of the default. It would work by making all performance heavy particles into low-performance single simple circles.

For example, Fire would be a collection of circles, with circles floating upwards and jittering around in order to make a fiery effect. Would this take away from the overall feel of the game for the sake of performance? Yes.

Feature purpose

The reason this feature is deserved is because of performance saving. As an example, on my PC, Fire is extremely tanky on my frames, causing them to turn to low single digits within seconds. This is undesirable, as fire is one of the most fun ways to kill something or create a fun scenario. This also makes maps like Hybrid and Lava unusable, as the lava causes things to catch ablaze and therefore, crash my PC. I personally think this will improve the game experience for a lot of people, as it is a basic toggleable setting that is off by default.

Additional context

Think of the circles as scaleable, with scaleable opacities to add to an effect.