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Add 85mm gun! #3347

Open PetroPoroshenk opened 6 months ago

PetroPoroshenk commented 6 months ago

Feature description

Hello zooi! I am a fairly experienced builder from our wonderful game, now I am writing you a request from me and many like me! I will ask you to do something for the development of PPG. I have one very important idea for the next update that will help a lot of builders: New vanilla gun! Lord, if only you knew how difficult it is when the game has only 2 normal guns for tanks: 120mm and 30mm. But there comes a time when your tank has a gun stronger than 30mm, but weaker than 120mm, and then the result is very unrealistic (I’ll show you using my screenshot as an example (Pz 4 has a 120 gun, thereby killing a leopard)). What is the solution??? I would like to see new vanilla guns (let's say 85mm, etc.) so that we can simplify our construction and not bother with it. In principle, you don’t even need to worry too much about the design, if you want, I’ll draw this gun for you myself, and you’ll add it in the update?

Feature purpose

I really want you to add a new vanilla gun

Additional context

Снимок экрана 2024-01-15 032653