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New Customizable Gore Options #3418

Closed GitNeto closed 1 month ago

GitNeto commented 2 months ago

Feature description

The 'Customizable Gore Options' feature allows users to adjust the level of gore in the game according to their preferences. This feature enables players to modify specific elements such as projectile wound sizes, explosion fragment wound sizes, and other graphic details, such as shown in the picture for additional context.

Feature purpose

Remember when you (mestiez) conducted a vote on the bullet hole sizes for an upcoming update? As we know, there were various opinions and diverse votes reflecting the community's preferences. This feature, as far as I know, aims to annihilate further complaints about the gore system. Whether it's the length of blood squirts or the behavior of blood, this feature intends to address any concerns or opinions hurled your way. It's designed to offer the customization needed to match individual preferences, hopefully putting an end to those ongoing debates.

Additional context

example for zoi

Aspa102 commented 2 months ago

i definitely saw this more than a few weeks ago? huh?

GitNeto commented 2 months ago

i definitely saw this more than a few weeks ago? huh?

What are your thoughts on this idea?

Aspa102 commented 2 months ago

too much work for not a lot of reasons why should the player even be allowed to disable just cuts? what is the point? its way too complicated of a feature and i cant think of any good reason for it to exist other than making 3 people happy because they can adjust the bullet hole size

GitNeto commented 2 months ago

too much work for not a lot of reasons why should the player even be allowed to disable just cuts? what is the point? its way too complicated of a feature and i cant think of any good reason for it to exist other than making 3 people happy because they can adjust the bullet hole size

I hear you Aspa, but we should not overlook the importance of the so-called player satisfaction here. For you it might seem like a lot of work for what you perceive as “minimal impact”, but we should consider the bigger picture, alright?

We know this community is diverse when it comes to preferences, (trust me, it is). I don't like to repeat myself, though I have to mention the bullet wound size drama again. I am pretty sure that was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the different types of opinions out there. Offering these options isn't just about (as you say) making ”three people happy”; it's about acknowledging and respecting the different types of preferences within our player base.

And let's not kid ourselves about the “complexity”. Other games, even those who are mostly run by solo devs, have similar features included, (Human Workshop) and it works just fine. We are not reinventing the wheel or anything; we are just giving players more control over their experience. (Honorable Mention: Garry's Mod)

So, yeah, maybe it's not the easiest thing for the devs to implement, but isn't player satisfaction worth the effort? We should prioritize giving the players the best experience that we can possibly give them, even if it means a bit more work on our end.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Aspa102 commented 1 month ago
