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Lower Yield Nuclear Bombs #3429

Open inferknob opened 1 month ago

inferknob commented 1 month ago

Feature description

So, the Atom Bomb. Cool, right? Big boom. I wonder if they ever made a smaller one. Oh yeah, they did. It's called "Upshot Knothole Grable" and it was a nuclear artillery that shot an atom bomb for artillery. So, that would be cool. I am asking you to make a Low Yield Nuclear Bomb, which is basically just a smaller Atom Bomb. It would have a radius of like, 200 meters and would have a nuclear mushroom cloud which would be smaller than the Atom Bomb's one. It would be like a nuke, but less of an explosion radius, and less power. But it would still be powerful.

Feature purpose

Would be useful in "I need a bomb that's big but not NUKE sized." scenarios. These come up surprisingly a lot. Like seriously a lot. Like too much, actually.

Additional context

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