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Fire Improvements #3439

Open Lordjakob opened 1 month ago

Lordjakob commented 1 month ago

Feature description

Make that Fire is easier to put out with extingusher maybe by making that a put out fire cant ignite again for a few secounds after being put out . secoundly make that the insulator Object can catch fire , thirdly make that fire is more likely spread from object to object , Fourthly make that materials like wood and outhers have a longer fuel time as they burn out in a few secounds ingame and lastly fire should get to a different heat based on what object is burning so that wood fires no longer go up to 2000 degrees heat .

Feature purpose

The current fire mechanic is very unsatisfactory with fires burning shortly and and being hard to put out sometimes before burning out and these things would allow proper fires

Additional context

grafik (ignore the mods they are not for the point) but fires are very lame ingame right now