I made a circle out of metal and had a pin in the middle of it so it would rotate and put some humans inside with some weapons and spun the circle and it eventually started glitching really badly. The metal was teleporting everywhere and went red hot with friction until the screen (besides the blood) went black. I zoomed out and realised a chunk of the map had somehow been dragged out of the ground forming a new very large piece of land.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue but did record a video that included some of the process of the glitch https://youtu.be/v30zWYvNTsc
People Playground [v1.19.2] [64 bit]
System info
OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10200H CPU @ 2.40GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Memory: 7 GB
All loaded mods
Skullex(jamesH_2), Aspa102, Kassjak-Scream mod-2494555615 v1.0 for game v1.11
Currently inactive
Gun_O-Futuristic Weapons Mod +-2494447929 v0.3 for game v1.17
Currently inactive
I made a circle out of metal and had a pin in the middle of it so it would rotate and put some humans inside with some weapons and spun the circle and it eventually started glitching really badly. The metal was teleporting everywhere and went red hot with friction until the screen (besides the blood) went black. I zoomed out and realised a chunk of the map had somehow been dragged out of the ground forming a new very large piece of land.
I have not been able to reproduce the issue but did record a video that included some of the process of the glitch https://youtu.be/v30zWYvNTsc
People Playground [v1.19.2] [64 bit]
System info
OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19042) 64bit
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10200H CPU @ 2.40GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Memory: 7 GB
All loaded mods
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