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Blood and gore overhaul update #749

Open AdeptClaws opened 2 years ago

AdeptClaws commented 2 years ago

Blood and gore overhaul Wound size tweaked, 1 or 3 pixels, (an AK doesn't turn you into a skeleton in 5 shots) Bruising either removed or repurposed into a blood splatter, would make the wounds look better drying blood similar to rotting Blood streaking, basic position check and a blood streak will trickle down from the wound variation for head destruction, (sprites of head half destroyed, or with head split open with wound physics, the skin flap would flail around as the human falls) in addition to blood streaking, if hit in an area with a vein, more blood will come out. blood sloshing onto humans as it does with androids (androids get soaked in blood but humans don't) blood washes off if human goes into water more points of amputation for limbs eyes getting lighter if human is dead bodies absorb and bloat in water if dead instead of spawning just a decal if a blood particles hits a surface, it spawns a particle that flows down a material blood pool system (extremely basic, just 1 pixel that slowly expands)

Ever since release the game has been severely lacking in the gore department. I understand its not the main idea, but it would fix a lot of issues people have with the game, and would probably bring in profit. image

DummyTheAllSeeing commented 2 years ago

Definitely up for this idea, i was always focused more on physics and blood & gore in game more than the gameplay itself.

Cboyjet4 commented 2 years ago

This is already on the planned features tab, or has been put on it, if that's the case, congrats! I've been looking for something like this ingame forever.