studioespresso / craft-scout

Craft Scout provides a simple solution for adding full-text search to your entries. Scout will automatically keep your search indexes in sync with your entries.
MIT License
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[STU-52] TypeError with getSiteById() on multi-site #276

Closed ten1seven closed 11 months ago

ten1seven commented 12 months ago

I recently discovered this TypeError when trying to visit the /scout-indices page:

craft\services\Sites::getSiteById(): Argument #1 ($siteId) must be of type int, array given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/studioespresso/craft-scout/src/utilities/ScoutUtility.php on line 37

PHP: 8.1.22 Craft: 4.4.17 (recently upgraded from Craft 3) Scout: 3.2.1 Running multi-site

I found that if I manually change line 37 in ScoutUtility.php to the ID of the primary site (1) the page loads correctly. What other information would be helpful for debugging?

'site' => $engine->scoutIndex->criteria->siteId === '*' ? 'all' : Craft::$app->getSites()->getSiteById($engine->scoutIndex->criteria->siteId)


'site' => $engine->scoutIndex->criteria->siteId === '*' ? 'all' : Craft::$app->getSites()->getSiteById(1)

(full Yii error report for reference) Screen Shot 2023-10-10 at 07 27 45-fullpage


janhenckens commented 12 months ago

@ten1seven Could you share the configuration you have in scout.php? Either way it's something to fix but your specific config would provide a good case to test against. Thanks!

ten1seven commented 12 months ago




use modules\hrc\web\services\Search;

return [
     * Scout listens to numerous Element events to keep them updated in
     * their respective indices. You can disable these and update
     * your indices manually using the commands.
    'sync' => true,

     * @depcretio
     * By default Scout handles all indexing in a queued job, you can disable
     * this so the indices are updated as soon as the elements are updated
     * Disabling the `queue` option will no longer be supported in the next version of Scout
    'queue' => true,

     * The connection timeout (in seconds), increase this only if necessary
    'connect_timeout' => 1,

     * The batch size Scout uses when importing a large amount of elements
    'batch_size' => 1000,

     * By default Scout will index elements related to the element being save (that are in the same index).
     * Disabling this can improve performance on larger sites that have lots of relations.
    'indexRelations' => true,

     * The Algolia Application ID, this id can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This id is used to update records.
    'application_id' => '$ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID',

     * The Algolia Admin API key, this key can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This key is used to update records.
    'admin_api_key' => '$ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY',

     * The Algolia search API key, this key can be found in your Algolia Account
     * This search key is not used in Scout
     * but can be used through the Scout variable in your template files.
    'search_api_key' => '$ALGOLIA_SEARCH_API_KEY',

     * A collection of indices that Scout should sync to, these can be configured
     * by using the \rias\scout\ScoutIndex::create('IndexName') command. Each
     * index should define an ElementType, criteria and a transformer.
    'indices' => Search::getIndices(),



namespace modules\hrc\web\services;

use craft\elements\db\EntryQuery;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use Exception;
use modules\hrc\web\models\SearchTransformer;
use modules\hrc\web\models\SearchTransformerEvents;
use modules\hrc\web\models\SearchTransformerNewsPress;
use rias\scout\IndexSettings;
use rias\scout\ScoutIndex;

class Search
    public const SECTION_NEWS = 'news';
    public const SECTION_PRESS_RELEASES = 'pressReleases';
    public const SECTION_RESOURCES = 'resources';
    public const SECTION_EVENTS = 'events';
    public const SECTION_PAGES = 'pages';
    public const SECTION_CAMPAIGNS = 'campaigns';
    public const SECTION_STORIES = 'stories';
    public const SECTION_EQUALITY_INDEXES = 'equalityIndexes';
    public const SECTION_DATA_EXPLORERS = 'dataExplorers';
    public const SECTION_STAFF = 'staff';
    public const SECTION_RESOURCE_TOPICS = 'resourceTopics';
    public const SECTION_MAGAZINE_ARTICLES = 'magazineArticles';

    public const SECTION_FOUNDATION_PAGES = 'foundationPages';
    public const SECTION_FOUNDATION_PROGRAMS = 'programs';
    public const SECTION_FOUNDATION_PROFESSIONAL_RESOURCES = 'professionalResources';

     * Creates an index name based on the current CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT
     * @param string $name
     * @return string
    public static function getIndexName(string $name): string
        return implode('_', [

     * Configure the Scout indices and data for Algolia
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    public static function getIndices(): array
        $indices = [];

        $siteSearchConfig = self::_getSiteSearchConfig();

        $hrcIndex = self::getIndexName('hrcSearch');
        $indices[] = ScoutIndex::create($hrcIndex)
            ->criteria(function (EntryQuery $query) use ($siteSearchConfig) {
                return $query->section([
            ->transformer(function (Entry $entry) use ($siteSearchConfig) {
                return self::_getTransformer($siteSearchConfig, $entry);
                    $hrcIndex . '_dateAsc',
                    $hrcIndex . '_dateDesc',
                    $hrcIndex . '_popularity',

        $foundationSearchConfig = self::_getFoundationSearchConfig();

        $hrcFoundationIndex = self::getIndexName('hrcFoundationSearch');
        $indices[] = ScoutIndex::create($hrcFoundationIndex)
            ->criteria(function (EntryQuery $query) use ($foundationSearchConfig) {
                return $query->section(
            ->transformer(function (Entry $entry) use ($foundationSearchConfig) {
                return self::_getTransformer($foundationSearchConfig, $entry);
                    $hrcFoundationIndex . '_dateAsc',
                    $hrcFoundationIndex . '_dateDesc',

        return $indices;

     * @param array $config
     * @param Entry $entry
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
    private static function _getTransformer(array $config, Entry $entry): array
        $transformer = $config[$entry->section->handle];

        if ($transformer instanceof SearchTransformer === false) {
            throw new Exception('Transformer config must be of type SearchTransformer');

        return $transformer->getEntryData($entry);

    private static function _getSiteSearchConfig(): array
        return [
            self::SECTION_NEWS => new SearchTransformerNewsPress([
                'type' => 'News',
                'topicFieldHandle' => 'newsTopics',
                'useTopicFacet' => true,
                'useLocationFacet' => true,
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_PRESS_RELEASES => new SearchTransformerNewsPress([
                'type' => 'Press Releases',
                'topicFieldHandle' => 'newsTopics',
                'useTopicFacet' => true,
                'useLocationFacet' => true,
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_RESOURCES => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Resources',
                'topicFieldHandle' => 'resourceTopics',
                'useTopicFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_EVENTS => new SearchTransformerEvents([
                'type' => 'Events',
                'useLocationFacet' => true,
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_CAMPAIGNS => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Campaigns',
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_STORIES => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Campaigns',
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_MAGAZINE_ARTICLES => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Magazine',
                'useYearFacet' => true,
            self::SECTION_EQUALITY_INDEXES => new SearchTransformer([
                'eyebrow' => 'Equality Index'
            self::SECTION_DATA_EXPLORERS => new SearchTransformer(),
            self::SECTION_STAFF => new SearchTransformer(),
            self::SECTION_RESOURCE_TOPICS => new SearchTransformer(),
            self::SECTION_PAGES => new SearchTransformer(),

    private static function _getFoundationSearchConfig(): array
        return [
            self::SECTION_FOUNDATION_PAGES => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Pages',
            self::SECTION_FOUNDATION_PROGRAMS => new SearchTransformer([
                'type' => 'Programs',
            self::SECTION_FOUNDATION_PROFESSIONAL_RESOURCES => new SearchTransformer([
                'topicFieldHandle' => 'professionalAudiences',
                'type' => 'Professional Resources',