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InfoTrust book notes (Crawl, Walk, Run) #268

Open r002 opened 2 years ago

r002 commented 2 years ago


Ch 7: GCP for Marketing

Pam Castricone (Head of Data Science) & Tyler Blatt (Head of Integrations)


r002 commented 2 years ago

Ch 8: Digital Analytics Maturity: News & Media Orgs

Andy Gibson (Head of Vertical: News & Media)

Nascent Publishers - Lack of first-party data

Emerging Publishers - Better Personalized Experiences

Connected Publishers - Unified first-party data

Multi-Moment Publishers - Activating unified customer data

Mobile & Over-the-top platforms (OTT)

Where to start?

Measuring success

Challenges moving forward

r002 commented 2 years ago

Ch 9: Digital Analytics Maturity: Consumer Packaged Goods

Chris Vaughan


The Challenge

A specific example

Let's make this real. I was thinking through this chapter as I read it and here's a real-life example in the CPG space that, amazingly, in 2021 still actually hasn't been solved.

There's a specific kind of soy sauce that Shaza loves. It's called the Mizkan Ajipon. Whenever we go to Cam's, if there are any available, we'll get an entire armful! (It goes great with white rice and soup dumplings!) But like Vaughan describes, if you visit Mizkan's website, it'll look like this the screen snap below.

Observe: The website is just informational with a basic description and some nutrition info. You can't actually buy the sauce from the Mizkan website itself. (There's a separate "Where to buy" button that then lists vendors and resellers.)

If you are Mizkan in this example, chances are you've at least deployed a single enterprise-level instance of GA on this product page. But high-level metrics like bounce rate is now misleading/meaningless/useless. If people visit this page and immediately leave in droves, what does that tell you? Nothing! Maybe they hate the product. OR. Maybe they're off to to buy it! Who knows? 🤷‍♂️ This is a challenge for nascent players in this space.

In fact, Vaughan goes to point out: Many large orgs who do already have some basic GA instance and a centralized digital analytics strategy/core team set up are actually hugely resistant to change. He called them "thought vacuums"-- because the executives are siloed, all of their insights are local and only part-of-the-elephant. I'm reminded here of the old saw:

"Wrong/incomplete info is worse than no info!"

since you're often grasping only part of the picture and very possibly deriving incorrect, misguided, or even harmful conclusions for next steps/strategy/tactics. 🤦‍♂️

Also, tbf: There are hundreds of these kind of product pages globally. Updating websites on this scale, and then testing them to see if the new campaign yielded results, is simply logistically tough. Many potential confounders too.

Thus, currently, many folks rely on gut feeling and even when there are analytics delivered, they're often not actionable because they're lacking context.


Emerging Giants

Connected Giants

Multi-Moment Success

6 Ps: Purpose, People, Platforms, Processes, Pace, Payoff