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Worked on Kaggle Titanic Competition (08/26) #345

Open anitabe404 opened 2 years ago

anitabe404 commented 2 years ago

Your Daily Accomplishment 🚀:

I worked on the Kaggle Titanic competition trying to think of ways to improve my model and also get a better feel for how the model will perform based on changing parameters. I also read from the Hands-On ML book. It does a really good job of explaining things.

Extra/Fun (Optional) 🎈🎉🥳:

I'm still reading Requiem Moon. I'm really into the story.

r002 commented 2 years ago

@anitabe404 So cool you're working on the Titanic competition! This is a fun one! I did this with the local Cincy AI Meetup group here in town two years ago (ah, the good ol' pre-pandemic era 😄) and my highest submission score I was able to achieve then was 0.7799. (IIRC, this was without any fancy ML algos though. 😅) What's your highest score so far?


anitabe404 commented 2 years ago

@r002 So far my highest score is the same as yours lol. I trained a random forest classifier and tried tweaking some parameters, but that was the best I could do. I want to do the tutorial on feature engineering and see if that helps me improve my score.

But also, I'm trying to work on some of the underlying basics before getting too wrapped up (i.e. numpy and pandas).