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More data wrangling (10/22) #515

Open anitabe404 opened 2 years ago

anitabe404 commented 2 years ago

Your Daily Accomplishment 🚀:

Still working on the data wrangling notebook. I think I found an error in one of the interpretations of the data. I've made a note to discuss it with my mentor.

r002 commented 2 years ago

Nice! 👍 It sounds like this guided capstone project is coming along quite well! Very excellent! Would love to see when you're finished, if you're allowed to share!! 🤗

anitabe404 commented 2 years ago

@r002 Yea, it's pretty cool so far. It's designed to take you through all of the steps in a data science project. I'm currently working through the exploratory data analysis notebook. You can find all my progress under the starred repo for Data Science Guided Capstone.

r002 commented 2 years ago

@anitabe404 Cool, thanks for sharing! I look forward to following your progress; very neat! 😀

In other news-- I started my new job this past Monday! Haha, it's been a blast so far and I've really enjoyed meeting my team. A very different company compared to anywhere else I've ever worked before so it's been exciting! A new chapter dawns! 🚀🌄