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<Your accomplishment here!> (Month/Day) #830

Open shazahuang opened 2 years ago

shazahuang commented 2 years ago

Motivation/Problem Statement 💭❓:

Why are you sitting down at the computer today? What is motivating you to action today?

Today's Goal/Solution 🥅:

What are you setting out to learn/achieve today? If you succeed, what are you hoping to accomplish?

Result 🍓🍌🍉:

The fruits of your labor! Screenshots, videos, text, welcome!

Observations & Next Steps 🔭👣:

What are some conclusions from your readings and findings? Are you happy with your results? What might you refactor or change in the future?

References 🔗:

Link any useful resources you may have found throughout the day.

Extra/Fun (Optional) 🎈🎉🥳:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Feel free to include a fun snippet here at the end of something non-coding related that you discovered today. There's more to life than just sitting in front of the computer! Cook a new recipe! Discover a new trail to walk! The world is vast and full of wonder! 🌎😀