studydash / cards

Houses all cards created for StudyDash Group 00! πŸ˜€
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Create `studydash` org + `cards-qa` repo (6/7) #97

Open r002 opened 3 years ago

r002 commented 3 years ago


Thus far, I've been directly testing Go server code directly on the r002/codenewbie issues repo. But today I spent some time reading through GitHub's org docs and I think instead of running the study group out of my personal account, it's a much better idea to set up a dedicated organization for it. This way I can also grant all study group members the triage role so they can at least add/remove tags (labels) to/from their own cards. (Eg. movie trailer, reading, etc).

It's not quite ready for primetime, but since studygroup was already taken, I decided to settle for studydash. Like.... it's a "dashboard" for our study group? But also.... we're dashing off to study! Or something. Har, har. πŸ˜„

Today, I also (finally) created a studydash/cards-qa repo which is where I'll test all Go server webhook logic moving forward. (No more developing directly against (and polluting) PROD! 😎) Eventually, once I get everything working, we'll switch over to creating cards in the studydash/cards issue repo where all study members will have triage powers.

References πŸ”—:

Extra/Fun πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰:

Shaza & I visited the public library today! πŸ₯³

Also: This is so wholesome πŸ€— love this! Boo, false dichotomies! πŸ™‚


anitabe404 commented 3 years ago

Lol, we are on our way to being official! It seems like you're learning a lot and making great progress. We just need to convince Matt to come back. I messaged him on the CodeNewbie community and he said he's been swamped with finding a job.

Regarding your Extra/Fun: I'm not sure why there's so much rivalry in the tech community. There's enough room for everybody and all the various tools to exist. Just use what you like and don't dictate what others should do. Let people have nice things. LOL

r002 commented 3 years ago

@anitabe404 -- Haha, yup! We're nearing becoming legit! So exciting!! πŸ˜„

Thanks for messaging Matt too! It'd be cool if he returned or if we gained new members. My dream is forming a small but determined cohort of dedicated learners! (Cue obligatory Margaret Mead quote! πŸ€—) Thank you SO much for continuing to contribute every day though-- it's honestly so great to just not be in this alone. Even though we're working on different things, I love reading your cards and watching your journey and progress! It's inspiring! Let's keep striving towards our goals-- with hard work, we can do it!!! πŸš€πŸ˜€