stuffmatic / blam

🚨 No longer maintained. Check out fSpy instead 🚨 A camera and projector calibration toolkit for Blender that also does automatic 3D reconstruction of geometry with rectangular faces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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3D Photo Scans #18

Open adamearle opened 7 years ago

adamearle commented 7 years ago

just an idea from working with "Animal Logic"

Blam would be even more awesome if was more utilized in camera tracking and camera 3D photo scans to help generate points and more accurate 3D layout

i believe with this in mind this would help turn Blender into a tracking tool of choice for the industry. At Animal Logic we were using ""

and I have to say that Blender can do most of what this but could do things more effeciently than 3DE. This is were Blam comes in because Blam is a Visual calculator.

an example that Blam maybe be able to be more utilized is Lens breathing. Blam could perhaps help calculate the 1st zoom length to the next zoom length this can happen multiple times so being able to set the length up across multiple keyframes would help the camera create more accurate data. This date could be then been combined with track points which out help define movement and interpolations from one Blam grease point markup to the next

Lens breathing also occurs on focus pulling.

if you would like an actual conversation about this then feel free to PM me and on google hangouts