stufisher / LiveOSC2

New version of LiveOSC for Live 9
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issue with controlling sends from Open Stage Control #28

Open mmoalem opened 2 years ago

mmoalem commented 2 years ago

Hi all - maybe someone here can help. I am creating an ableton touchscreen controller using Open Stage Control and LiveOSC2 (alongside Clyphx free edition). I have got faders to work with track volume and panning but can't get them to work with sends. The issue I think is that while volume and panning only require track number (and value as float), sends require 2 integers - track number and send id... so while using /live/track/volume as address and 0 in PreArgs in OSC works fine i cant get the sends to work - i tried [0,0] in preArgs and tryed to set the type to integers for these 2... anyone has any idea on how to fix this?