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Document our backend api #119

Open Davidster opened 6 years ago

Davidster commented 6 years ago

I would like to document our backend api. In other words, indicate in some file(s) exactly what functions are exposed by our api, what those functions do, and their expected request/response JSON bodies.

I've read that this is doable with json schema. Doing so would be useful if we decide to validate incoming requests, since we can run ajv or its java equivalent on the request bodies to reduce the likelihood of server errors. Could also be helpful for unit tests. All that would be really nice but it may take a lot of time to do in the end it doesn't matter all that much how the api is documented as long as it is done clearly.

Davidster commented 6 years ago

Documentation was done in markdown on the wiki. It is almost complete, but will be finalized once we complete the backend.

Davidster commented 6 years ago

There remains 1 more API spec to be added to the wiki: validate