stumash / CoursePlanner
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Add ability to define course exemptions #141

Open Davidster opened 6 years ago

Davidster commented 6 years ago

We want to give the user a way to tell the website that they've been exempted from taking some courses, after which the site should assume the related prerequisites to already be satisfied. There are a few ways to do this (not in order):

  1. Pass a list of courses (exemptionList) to the backend and deal with this in the java code
  2. Manage a list of courses (exemptionList) in the frontend and ignore issues received from the backend accordingly.
  3. The more general solution: allow the user to mark any single issue as ignored and manage a list of ignored issues rather than just exempted courses - this would work not only for unmet prereqs/coreqs, but also for our other types of issues/warnings.

Number 3 currently seems like the best option

Davidster commented 6 years ago

Development started on branch addCourseExemptionList-141. I'm currently going for option 2