stumash / CoursePlanner
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Disclaimer for clarifying non-commercial intentions #157

Open PeterGhimself opened 6 years ago

PeterGhimself commented 6 years ago

Although we never planned on making any money through this, it would be a good idea to add a disclaimer somewhere to make it more explicitly known, to avoid any possible legal issues.

From concordia's website:

"No document appearing on this website or any other website owned, operated or controlled by Concordia may be copied, sold, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted or distributed by any means with the exception of downloading or printing the contents of the site for personal, non-commercial use. This use must bear in mind that Concordia reserves its copyright and its rights to exclusivity over the material.

Concordia does not authorize any material on its website or websites owned, operated or controlled by it to be reproduced on other websites. Any such reproduction requires written authorization from a duly authorized representative of Concordia. Concordia also prohibits the direct display of any material from Concordia websites in a frame on another website, or the use of any other method that does not indicate that the material reproduced is the property of Concordia."