stumash / CoursePlanner
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Add a development database #59

Closed Davidster closed 7 years ago

Davidster commented 7 years ago

Lets add a new database (maybe called courseplanner-db) for testing changes to JSON specifications and what not. We will never want to do any testing on the production database when there are users currently relying on this data.

A flag/option will need to be added to as well as course-info-storer/storer.js and course-seq-scraper/storer.js (lets also fix that clearly poor folder naming) in order to tell the webscraper whether to push to the production or development DB.

We will also need to add a clause to the deploy script where it tells the backend to use the development or production database. This will not require additional params for the script since that info can already be inferred.

Davidster commented 7 years ago

development started on branch addDevDatabase-58-59