stumpwm / mahogany

A stumpwm like Wayland compositor
GNU General Public License v2.0
220 stars 12 forks source link

themability part 2 - compositor #12

Open bijang opened 4 years ago

bijang commented 4 years ago

advanced features such as fading between spaces, shadows and opacity are often requested in sway but would require change in compositor that they cannot provide

would mahogany be able to provide CL hooks into parts of a compositor for this purpose?

See wlroots compliant wayfire as a potential wayfire seems to be a young modular compositor for desktop environments, lacking a built in compositor

this theming flexibility would be a really nice option for mahogany to have, as a module that could be removed or added and utilised to have at least the option of opting into to take advantage of advanced graphical themes and also interactions, including decent basic mouse controled tiling interaction, [see tiling module plugin], which could optionally be enabled.

florhizome commented 2 years ago

Wayfire is a quite nice Start. I would be thinking more of a lispy shell to wayfire if I would be starting such a thing (which I couldn’t, I don’t have any knowledge about all this lol, but I‘ve come to like emacs and lisp programs like nyxt)... but since you already worked on the backend that’s probably not feasible. Maybe in wayfire, it will soon be possible to affect window decorations as well as opacity and blur which are in my eyes the basics of a unified themeing... but I saw CL has bindings to Qt as well as to GTK so maybe more could be done to help with widget themeing. (I don’t propose to be able to affect the whole themeing, but maybe to look at some widgets that, even if you have a theme that works with Qt and GTK, still don‘t work well – what I was thinking about f.e. would be different grades of opacity between menus and main window etc. but well that would probably be outside of any „minimal“ approach and more an extension of the Main work^^