stumpwm / mahogany

A stumpwm like Wayland compositor
GNU General Public License v2.0
219 stars 12 forks source link

touch screen support #16

Open bijang opened 4 years ago

bijang commented 4 years ago

seems like an odd issue for a keyboard driven WM, but in the spirit of this being a project utilising modern software technologies, modern harware should be embraced and I think better to highlight it now than later on in the project, even if it's not a primary goal... just as times even a keyboard user will reach for the mouse or trackpad (eg after using a graphical focused program like gimp or video editor or maps or a GIS), it would be good to have the option to utilise the increasingly ubiquitous touch screen. (here also may be another reason to utilise a compositor, I believe support is underway in wlr and wayfire

sdilts commented 4 years ago

There is touchscreen and touchpad support in wlroots. There is also support for pointer gestures like three-finger swipes. We don't need to do anything too complicated to pass gesture events to clients, but it becomes much more complicated if we want to use touchpad/touchscreen gestures to control the compositor.

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sdilts commented 4 years ago

I don't have a device with a touchscreen capable of running Linux, so someone else is going to have to tackle this issue.

jgarte commented 1 year ago

mahogany on the pinephone?