stumpwm / mahogany

A stumpwm like Wayland compositor
GNU General Public License v2.0
220 stars 12 forks source link

Any video demo? #19

Open OrionRandD opened 3 years ago

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Any video demo for mahogany? What does this name mean? Thx

sdilts commented 3 years ago

Hi, OrionRandD. There is no video demo as of yet, as the compositor isn't in a usable state right now: the only running program in the repo is a small test program that just displays pretty colors to the screen and accepts keyboard input.

Mahogany is a type of hardwood tree that is known for the beauty and durability of its wood. It's a reference to previous projects with their tree-based naming theme.

OrionRandD commented 3 years ago

Thx. I hope that it becomes ready soon. So that, we will have another stumpwm option.

On Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 3:49 PM Stuart Dilts wrote:

Hi, OrionRandD. There is no video demo as of yet, as the compositor isn't in a usable state right now: the only running program in the repo is a small test program that just displays pretty colors to the screen and accepts keyboard input.

Mahogany is a type of hardwood tree that is known for the beauty and durability of its wood. It's a reference to previous projects with their tree-based naming theme.

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