stumpwm / mahogany

A stumpwm like Wayland compositor
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Determine default applications #51

Open sdilts opened 8 months ago

sdilts commented 8 months ago

The default keymap will contain bindings to open a terminal, a text editor, and maybe more. Unlike X11, there is no practical guarantee that these apps will be installed on a user's machine.

The best example of this is the terminal emulator. We could assume that XTerm was installed in Stumpwm, but that's not the case for Wayland.

The two options I see are:

  1. Do a search to see if common apps are available (konsole, gnome-terminal, etc.)
  2. Pick one and fail gracefully if it can't be found.

Are there any other alternative ways to handle this?

bigbookofbug commented 1 month ago

i think the most practical method would be something similar to what dwl does - default bindings for common wayland applications such as bemenu and foot terminal.

the stumpwm "exec" command could definitely be utilized here as well, as it would allow the user to launch their applications still if there's no default binding (i used this in stumpwm when first starting it, as i had alacritty installed but not xterm).