sturdyfi / yearnV2-generic-lender-strat

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Sturdy Gen Lender Strategy Review #1

Open newmickymousse opened 2 years ago

newmickymousse commented 2 years ago

Claiming a strategy Protocol name: Sturdy

Brief Strategy Description: Deposits stablecoins (USDC, USDT, or DAI) to Sturdy's lending pool

Due Diligence Review Protocol Due Diligence and Path to Prod: here

Once a strategy's due diligence has been approved by the team, the strategist can begin codifying it for code review Strategy Review Description: Deposits stablecoins (USDC, USDT, or DAI) to Sturdy's lending pool. Sturdy is a two-sided money market, whose primary differentiator is that collateral is staked, with the yields from staking being used to improve rates for lenders. Yields are paid out automatically in-kind, requiring no additional logic to harvest. There are no fees to deposit or withdraw from Sturdy.

Commit (hash): c1b702198249abc12aacc766e66870ec8f278e92


Scope: contracts/GenericSturdy.sol

Additional References or Repo (Link to underlying protocols or relevant documents):

Deployed Contract (etherscan link):

Review Ongoing By:

Review Completed By:

newmickymousse commented 2 years ago
  1. can you store this address/IlendingPool into a variable to avoid calling it to frequently? I have checked the contracts and seems to be a constant (correct me if I'm wrong). You can assign the variable in the initialize function.
  2. WETH not being used in the contract
  3. What are you using isIncentivised for? Do you have incentivized lending pools? If so, how do you harvest them? Is it different from a non-incentivized pool harvest?
sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @newmickymousse, these have been fixed in 8aaf6f9972efd1269bdc5d300a4871ab8b69e838

  1. What are you using isIncentivised for? Do you have incentivized lending pools? If so, how do you harvest them? Is it different from a non-incentivized pool harvest?

We don't have incentivized lending pools yet but plan to at some point in the future. We've removed this for now since we don't know how they'll be implemented and we don't plan on launching them in the near-term.

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

I would remove the Atoken variable from the constructor and cloning functions. Will make cloning much easier and you can just set it using the lendingPool in the _initiliaze. May want to add a check the returned aToken != address(0)

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Should update this and this modifier to use .strategist() instead of management(). Will need to add that function to the IBaseStrategy interface as well

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Would probably be good to check want balance here as well

You can also check against "dust" instead of 0. You probably know better than us how you protocol handles super small amounts and if its possible leave behind or withdraw tiny amounts.

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

These two lines make a call that is just made in the aprAfterDeposit() before this function. While aprAfterDeposit() is a view function it is used in every harvest so limiting gas costs is helpful. Can you send the the neccesary variables as function params to avoid redundant calls for large dataTypes and memory usage

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

It appears that the current value for reserveData.currentLiquidityRate of all the stable coins is currently 0? Am I reading this correct? I would assume its cause no one is paying interest to borrow?

If so is this expected evert to change? If that is always the expected behavior is there any point in even calcluating this

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Can just declare the variable in this line in the function as the return variable and delete this line and L235

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Do you know how confident you are in this calculation being accurate?

Are you able to use just a linear difference cause you really are just dividing up staked rewards evenly over all deposits rather than an interest rate model?

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Schlagonia, we'll get to work on these.

It appears that the current value for reserveData.currentLiquidityRate of all the stable coins is currently 0? Am I reading this correct? I would assume its cause no one is paying interest to borrow?

If so is this expected evert to change? If that is always the expected behavior is there any point in even calcluating this

Borrowers start paying interest if the utilization on the borrowed asset goes above 90%, so we still need to calculate it.

Do you know how confident you are in this calculation being accurate?

Are you able to use just a linear difference cause you really are just dividing up staked rewards evenly over all deposits rather than an interest rate model?

Yep, that's exactly what we're doing, and it's been very accurate empirically. The only exception is when utilization goes above 90% as mentioned above, in which case lenders earn interest on top of the collateral staking yield.

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

@Schlagonia We've pushed fixes in 739ce4be6cd8eb7117707d840203f17442d7e5ac

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

You will still need to add the strategist call the the IBaseStrategy interface

Its just a view funtion that returns an address

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

@Schlagonia fixed in b317e542afa63c2d07b9b3a9f401ccaee4a231d2

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Couple of small gas things:

no need to save this line to its own variable,

this for loop calls reserves[i] 3 times. Probably cheaper to declare an address reserve; outside the loop and set it during each loop to only read from the array once

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

you can also remove all the instances of keep3r. Including state variable, setter function and modifier since this doesnt get harvested

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

@Schlagonia fixed in ffc8deb814beaf80118dc29a231de902ed03b69e

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

@Schlagonia fixed in ffc8deb

Sorry, meant you can get rid of the whole keeper modifier

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, meant you can get rid of the whole keeper modifier

Understood, removed it in af4b126103b9c047bf5bea00f96d9fda0430f3ef

newmickymousse commented 2 years ago


Schlagonia commented 2 years ago


Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

Deployed Ape Tax version

sforman2000 commented 2 years ago

@Schlagonia @newmickymousse We updated the APR calculation in d0ad9d1b0fc9bc9025f1fad0988ae1f1aea0d841 to fix the issue where the gas cost was too high during harvest.

newmickymousse commented 2 years ago

new changes LGTM

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

LGTM as well

newmickymousse commented 2 years ago

new deployed contract:

Schlagonia commented 2 years ago

new deployed contract:

This is the update one directly to the plugin

storming0x commented 1 year ago


This version of the GenLenderBase has the old strategist role as management which latest version has replaced w management role since this is our default SMS Multisig for our current strategies

iris112 commented 1 year ago

Hi @storming0x I have just replaced the role.


storming0x commented 1 year ago


Hey @iris112 i think the change should be since the basestrategy interface doesnt have that method call from the repo yearn vaults.. see example

Sorry for the confusion i think the link i sent has a diff implementation of base strategy, so using is a safer bet.

FYI im still reviewing the code so may come up with more things and comment here.

storming0x commented 1 year ago


Although the initialize() method here

seems to repeat the same code, its potentially dangerous to leave this code without a lock once initialized, since it can be call over and over from any external actor and it shouldnt be the case for initialized calls to be available more than once.

Also if there are new versions of this, may add code that only needs to run once and forget that a lock guaranteeing only once execution is not in place, just another thing to juggle mentally which i think can be easily fix with a lock.

i suggest we use some time of lock to be sure the code in initialize is only executed once

iris112 commented 1 year ago

Hi @storming0x I have just fixed the above issues.

Regards, Thanks.

Schlagonia commented 1 year ago

Deployed Version with the most recent changes