stuttter / wp-term-order

Sort taxonomy terms, your way
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Consider adding a hook in WP_Term_Order->set_term_order() to help with WPML compatibility? #6

Closed benhuson closed 4 years ago

benhuson commented 8 years ago


I'm working with WP Term Order on a WPML site and I'd like to sync the order of translated pages with the default language.

At the moment I can't see an obvious way to hook into when a term order is updated to sync the change to the translated terms.

Would you consider adding an action hook in WP_Term_Order->set_term_order() passing the same parameters so that when a term order is updated, the changes can be applied to translated terms?

I would submit a PR but it's only one line and I thought you might want to decide on the name for the action hook - happy to if you want me to 😀


JJJ commented 8 years ago

Hey @benhuson! Send over a PR if you can; I trust it'll be okay, and I'll be gentle afterwards if I think it needs anything more. :)

JJJ commented 8 years ago

@benhuson is this something you're still interested in?

benhuson commented 8 years ago

@johnjamesjacoby Hi. Yes, I've just been busy on other things and not come back to it.

Will submit a PR when I'm back on the WPML project for which I needed it, probably sometime next week.

JJJ commented 4 years ago

Merged. Will be in the next release. Thank you!