Closed stephaneAG closed 7 years ago
@stephaneAG thanks for reporting this. Sounds like an interesting bug. I will try to reproduce and see if there is anything more that we can find out about this issue. 😄
So I figured it out with a little bit of testing. So there are two conflicting web views on iOS right now. There is UIWebView and WKWebView. UIWebView is the older version and is being phased out. I have seen people run into this before and the old UIWebView does not support 3D Touch events.
I did a test to see if when saving you add a website to your home screen it will open in a UIWebView and sure enough:
(When added to the home screen)
(When opened in safari)
This was the code I used to test the page that I took from a stackoverflow on how to determine which web view a site is running in with js.
<!doctype html>
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
if (navigator.platform.substr(0,2) === 'iP'){
//iOS (iPhone, iPod or iPad)
var lte9 = /constructor/i.test(window.HTMLElement);
var nav = window.navigator, ua = nav.userAgent, idb = !!window.indexedDB;
if (ua.indexOf('Safari') !== -1 && ua.indexOf('Version') !== -1 && !nav.standalone){
//Safari (WKWebView/Nitro since 6+)
alert('Safari (WKWebView/Nitro since 6+)');
} else if ((!idb && lte9) || !window.statusbar.visible) {
} else if ((window.webkit && window.webkit.messageHandlers) || !lte9 || idb){
From what I understand Apple is phasing out the native looking pinned apps, only workaround I know would be to remove the <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
line but then it would just open in Safari and not it's own "app".
Hope this helps! <3
Hi there !
Sorry for the delay in my answer, things have been kinda busy these days :/ ;p
I wanted to thanks you VERY MUCH ( :D ) for your answer, I'm gonna dig this & see how this goes ..
btw: if it could help you in any way, I also stumbled upon the following:
=> Oh ! and also, if you were wondering if we can press images to save them to the camera roll in webapp mode -> it seems not :/ (.& this may come .. from what you pointed out ^^ )
Have a very nice day ++
SeedsDesign fruitfull ideas Regarding your request(s): # For an overview of how I may help you, see the following links Feel free to contact me See you soon ! CV SeedsDesign 20 rue de l'Armorique 75015 PARIS Give me a call at 0681382722 <#UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_ID_SafeHtmlFilter_UNIQUE_IDSafeHtmlFilter> [image: Facebook] [image: Twitter] ® SeedsDesign 2015
2017-07-11 21:46 GMT+02:00 Stuart Yamartino
So I figured it out with a little bit of testing. So there are two conflicting web views on iOS right now. There is UIWebView and WKWebView. UIWebView is the older version and is being phased out. I have seen people run into this before and the old UIWebView does not support 3D Touch events.
I did a test to see if when saving you add a website to your home screen it will open in a UIWebView and sure enough:
(When added to the home screen)
(When opened in safari)
This was the code I used to test the page that I took from a stackoverflow on how to determine which web view a site is running in with js. page-is-loaded-inside-wkwebview-in-javascript
<!doctype html>
Related Stack Overflow question:
In shorts: as in the title: the 'touchforcechanged' event is never fired when a website saved to the springboard is launched in standalone mode :/
-> I first thought the issue was coming from your lib, but after re-implementing things myself without any polyfill, it seems it's iOS mobileSafari that bricks it .. or is it a feature ?
navigator.appVersion: 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14F89 Safari/602.1
Device is a [?year] [iPhone] [7] Operating system is [iOS] [10.3.2] Browser is [MobileSafari] [Mobile/14F89 Safari/602.1]