stvhwrd / Stock-Trading-System-HTTP-Server

📈💱 [Containerized Go server] HTTP Server for Stock Trading System project
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Get DUMPLOGs from Logging Server to Client #5

Open stvhwrd opened 5 years ago

stvhwrd commented 5 years ago

Produce Log Files

In addition to the client activities, DayTrading requires full auditing capabilities; hence, complete transaction logs must be able to be produced on demand that detail of all client activities in the system (including timestamps of all transactions), a record of each individual transaction, each transaction’s processing time information, and all account state changes within the system. This log must be dumped from the system as an ASCII text file when it receives the DUMPLOG command.


(:point_up: Log files not of this exact schema will not be accepted)


Log files can be validated using xmllint against the provided XSD file

xmllint --schema logfile.xsd --noout OURLOGFILE.xml


stvhwrd commented 5 years ago

The team determined that log files will be generated by Logging Server.

stvhwrd commented 5 years ago