stwe / DatatablesBundle

This Bundle integrates the jQuery DataTables plugin into your Symfony application.
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Symfony 4.2 DI issue #857

Open ProfM2 opened 5 years ago

ProfM2 commented 5 years ago

Starting with Symfony 4.2, Controller is deprecated, recommending AbstractController to be used. However, by using AbstractController the 'old' way of getting the factory service no longer works.

Old: $datatable = $this->get('sg_datatables.factory')->create(EntityDatatable::class);

The new way to use the datatables factory is to use dependency injection in the constructor of the controller.

private $dtFactory;
private $dtResponse;
public function __construct(DatatableFactory $datatableFactory, DatatableResponse $datatableResponse)
  $this->dtFactory = $datatableFactory;
  $this->dtResponse = $datatableResponse;

This allows to access the factory: $datatable = $this->dtFactory->create(EntityDatatable::class); And the response: $responseService = $this->dtResponse; in the Ajax response portion of the function.

However, now, Symfony complains:

Cannot autowire service "App\Controller\Support\SupportController": argument "$datatableFactory" of method "__construct()" references class "Sg\DatatablesBundle\Datatable\DatatableFactory" but no such service exists. You should maybe alias this class to the existing "sg_datatables.factory" service.

The fix for this is in the services.yaml to add the following:

    alias: sg_datatables.factory
    alias: sg_datatables.response

At this point, everything should be working properly.

AlexandraDeMatos commented 5 years ago

Hi ! I know someone else tell that but I can't find response. I'm on Symfony 4.1 and I can't use Datatable bundle

> php bin/console sg:datatable:generate AppBundle:Post

There are no commands defined in the "sg:datatable" namespace. Did you mean this? doctrine:database

Thank's by advance

ProfM2 commented 5 years ago

Hi ! I know someone else tell that but I can't find response. I'm on Symfony 4.1 and I can't use Datatable bundle

> php bin/console sg:datatable:generate AppBundle:Post

There are no commands defined in the "sg:datatable" namespace. Did you mean this? doctrine:database

Thank's by advance

I believe this is for a different question. The above is for Symfony 4.2 that deprecated Controller for AbstractController and the modifications necessary to allow proper dependency injection.

althaus commented 5 years ago

In addition the route annotations

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;

got superseded by a single

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
mpeshehonov commented 4 years ago

@Seb33300 @stwe guys plz check and merge Symfony 4(actual for Symfony 5) issues. Have to use forks =(

Seb33300 commented 4 years ago

If you are encountering issue, feel free to submit a pull request.

mpeshehonov commented 4 years ago

@Seb33300 #762 #833 #922 I haven't access for submit pull requests. plz check this PRs and merge