stwe / DatatablesBundle

This Bundle integrates the jQuery DataTables plugin into your Symfony application.
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How to change Server-Side searching to Client-Side? #862

Open vertisan opened 5 years ago

vertisan commented 5 years ago


In my case searching by Server-Side is too slow, better alternative can be searching by Client-Side so how can I change this option?

DylanDelobel commented 5 years ago

Wondering the same 🤔

stephanvierkant commented 5 years ago

Caching is like good sex; it hides the real problem

Why is server-side slow? I've got tables with 100k rows and it's very fast. Consider using Symfony's profiler to see why queries are slow. How many rows/columns do you have?

Please be aware that you can't search client side if you load the data with ajax.

DylanDelobel commented 5 years ago

I'm looking to put the datatables client-side after the first Ajax because he already got all the rows

I would stop making ajax request for every ordering/sorting since all the data is shown, but looking through all the issues that look like removed and a WIP features now