stwood / Microsoft-Media-Platform-Content-Manager

The Microsoft Media Platform Content Manager (MMPCM) is an open source solution that can be used by enterprises, educational institutions and broadcasting companies to manage their video assets. This lightweight and highly-customizable solution is built on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft media-related technologies, including Silverlight 4, IIS Media Services and Expression Encoder 4. The MMPCM infrastructure enables users to: Define, edit and approve or reject video assets, Transcode video into different formats, Broadcast Live Events, Insert Ads on Live Event transmissions, Edit videos online right within MMPCM and Publish videos to external players.
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RCE Doesn't show any video #16

Open stickybeak opened 11 years ago

stickybeak commented 11 years ago

After installing and configuring RCE it doesn't show any video file to be edited within the project.

It seems that the AssetDataService is failing to retrieve data from Sharepoint. In the Log I have

Timestamp: 10/07/2012 14:25:57 Message: Exception: [Format_InvalidString] Argomenti: Le stringhe di risorse per il debug non sono disponibili. Spesso la chiave e gli argomenti forniscono informazioni sufficienti alla diagnosi del problema. Vedere Stack Trace: su RCE.Modules.Settings.SettingsViewPresentationModel.ValidateStartTimeCode(String timeCode, SmpteFrameRate smpteRate) su RCE.Modules.Settings.SettingsViewPresentationModel.set_SelectedStartTimeCode(String value) su RCE.Modules.Settings.SettingsViewPresentationModel.LoadSettings(Project project) su RCE.Modules.Settings.SettingsViewPresentationModel.b__4(Object sender, EventArgs e) su System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e) su RCE.Modules.Services.ProjectService.OnProjectRetrieved() su RCE.Modules.Services.ProjectService.DataService_LoadProjectCompleted(Object sender, DataEventArgs1 e) su RCE.Modules.Services.DataServiceFacade.OnLoadProjectCompleted(DataEventArgs1 e) su RCE.Modules.Services.DataServiceFacade.<>cDisplayClass4.b3(Object sender, LoadProjectCompletedEventArgs args) Inner Exception: [Format_InvalidString] Argomenti: Le stringhe di risorse per il debug non sono disponibili. Spesso la chiave e gli argomenti forniscono informazioni sufficienti alla diagnosi del problema. Vedere Inner Stack Trace: su System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) su System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) su System.Int32.Parse(String s) su SMPTETimecode.TimeCode.ValidateSmpte12MTimecode(String timeCode) su RCE.Modules.Settings.SettingsViewPresentationModel.ValidateStartTimeCode(String timeCode, SmpteFrameRate smpteRate) Category: DataServiceFacade Priority: 1 EventId: 0 Severity: Error Title:Title Machine: PRSILSL03 Application Domain: /LM/W3SVC/9/ROOT-1-129864037043654014 Process Id: 4832 Process Name: c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe Win32 Thread Id: 4508 Thread Name: Extended Properties: