stwood / Microsoft-Media-Platform-Content-Manager

The Microsoft Media Platform Content Manager (MMPCM) is an open source solution that can be used by enterprises, educational institutions and broadcasting companies to manage their video assets. This lightweight and highly-customizable solution is built on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft media-related technologies, including Silverlight 4, IIS Media Services and Expression Encoder 4. The MMPCM infrastructure enables users to: Define, edit and approve or reject video assets, Transcode video into different formats, Broadcast Live Events, Insert Ads on Live Event transmissions, Edit videos online right within MMPCM and Publish videos to external players.
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IIS Transform Manager fails with error: System.InvalidOperationException: Process must exit before requested information can be determined #3

Closed GuidoPochettino closed 12 years ago

GuidoPochettino commented 12 years ago

Hello, I hope there is someone who can help me with this error as it is driving us nuts. With a random set of files, mostly bigger files in the order of 200+ of MB, IIS Transform Manager throws this error and fails the second task.

The task I am talking about is the default MMPCM.Jobs.FileImport from the MMPCM package. In general all files under 100 MB finish successfully but some fail as well. The video files are MP4 format and we have tried both encoding types, VC-1 and H.264.

The following events/errors occur in the Event Viewer, in order:

Task.Start failed for task index: 2. (This is the MMPCM Hosting Msg task)

System.InvalidOperationException: Process must exit before requested information can be determined

at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnsureState(State state) at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_ExitCode() at Microsoft.MediaPlatform.ContentManager.TransformManager.Tasks.HostMsgTask.ProcessXCopy(String arguments) at Microsoft.MediaPlatform.ContentManager.TransformManager.Tasks.HostMsgTask.CopyFiles(String origin, String destination) at Microsoft.MediaPlatform.ContentManager.TransformManager.Tasks.HostMsgTask.CreateMessage() at Microsoft.MediaPlatform.ContentManager.TransformManager.Tasks.HostMsgTask.Start() at Microsoft.Web.Media.TransformManager.Wrapper.RunTaskCode(TaskStatus taskStatus, JobMetadata metadata, Logger logger, ITask task, Int32 taskIndex)

Last task result: -2147467259

After that, even if we resubmit the task, it still fails. The video file is completely encoded to the Smooth Streaming format, just that the rest of the tasks are not finished - SharePoint assets creation and moving files to origin share.

Is there anyone able to point in the right direction? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Marian Vulpe

Spectra Computers

GuidoPochettino commented 12 years ago

Hi Marian,

We’ve been working on the Hosting Msg Task, which is the one causing trouble. We found that the task copying the generated XML after the encoding process to the hosting watch folder generates an exception which isn’t caught. We wrote some code in order to catch it. This fix can be included on the next release of the MMPCM.


brimil commented 12 years ago


What version was/will this fix be included in?

jagdish-nasit commented 11 years ago


Which version has fix for this issue ?