stwood / Microsoft-Media-Platform-Content-Manager

The Microsoft Media Platform Content Manager (MMPCM) is an open source solution that can be used by enterprises, educational institutions and broadcasting companies to manage their video assets. This lightweight and highly-customizable solution is built on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft media-related technologies, including Silverlight 4, IIS Media Services and Expression Encoder 4. The MMPCM infrastructure enables users to: Define, edit and approve or reject video assets, Transcode video into different formats, Broadcast Live Events, Insert Ads on Live Event transmissions, Edit videos online right within MMPCM and Publish videos to external players.
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Can I add Asset's customized column on the MMPCM?! #5

Open HowardHsiao opened 12 years ago

HowardHsiao commented 12 years ago


I've known the MMPCM's asset has several meteadata for the user tagging the Video information. However, may I ask if i can add the customized column into asset?! I tried a lot with using Sharepoint function to adding a new attribute, but in vain. It seems the MMPCM would not allow the user to edit the column. Is there any ways out? Thanks!

GuidoPochettino commented 12 years ago

Hi Howard,

Yes you can.

The problem with adding new columns to the Assets list is that the MMPCM uses custom forms. All ASP.NET forms for the Assets list (New, Edit, and Display forms) display Assets' information only for the default columns. You can edit them using SharePoint designer, and include the custom columns you created.


HowardHsiao commented 12 years ago

Hello Guido,

First, thanks your reply. I appreciate a lot. I tested on the issue spot for a while. I know I could use the SharePoint Designer to add a whole column on the asset list. However, I faced another issue for input form. Assets list seems to use a special form, so that I could not use Designer or InfoPath to edit it on. This cause me a problem. If I remove some columns, such as "Collection", "Category", the original form would directly change back into normal Sharepoint form. How do I add the customized attribute into MMPCM Asset Edit form?! Please help me, thanks!