styled-components / babel-plugin-styled-components

Improve the debugging experience and add server-side rendering support to styled-components
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styled.keyframes.withConfig is not a function #216

Open maeligg opened 5 years ago

maeligg commented 5 years ago

Reopening as I'm still experiencing this issue despite the suggestion provided.

I'm using v3.4.10 of styled-components and v1.10.0 of babel-plugin-styled-components. This is what I'm using in my component :

import styled, { keyframes } from 'styled-components'

const rotate = keyframes`
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);

  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

This is bundled (wrongly ?) into the following : var rotate = styled.keyframes(['from{transform:rotate(0deg);}to{transform:rotate(360deg);}']);

lukashala commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue. Any idea what is the root cause?

ericraio commented 5 years ago


ericraio commented 5 years ago

My issue was that I had a bad test file that I forgot to delete and this error was thrown out of place.

marcod1419 commented 5 years ago

Also having the same issue, not sure what's going on.

theetrain commented 5 years ago

Hi, we're also experiencing this issue. When we run Jest on "Component A" that is consuming "Component B" built with babel, we see the following output:

styled.keyframes.withConfig is not a function

FAIL  packages/Video/__tests__/Video.spec.jsx
  ● Test suite failed to run
    TypeError: styled.keyframes.withConfig is not a function
      227 | 
      228 | var zindexPopover = 1600;
    > 229 | var spinnerRotate = styled.keyframes({
          |                  ^
      230 |   '100%': {
      231 |     transform: 'rotate(360deg)'
      232 |   }

👀 See source code:

This is what I'm using. Also, is support for styled components v4 still in active development?

Package Version
babel-plugin-styled-components 1.10.0
jest-styled-components 7.0.0-2
jest 24.8.0
react 16.8.6
styled-components 4.2.1
quantizor commented 5 years ago

How are you importing styled? keyframes is a named export so you have to bring it in like this:

import { keyframes } from 'styled-components';
theetrain commented 5 years ago

@probablyup we are importing styled as a default export and keyframes as a named export as you've described. I updated my comment above to include links to the source code I'm working through. Please have a look.

mxstbr commented 5 years ago

We probably just need another check here to make sure we aren't transpiling styled.keyframes:

quantizor commented 5 years ago

I have a strong suspicion this is something to do with environment setup. I have a lot of complex projects using all parts of s-c and have never seen this behavior.

415DomSmith commented 5 years ago

I am also seeing this when trying to run jest in a project consuming multiple component libraries built with styled components.

I was getting caught on one component lib, but removing it from my transformIgnorePatterns solved the issue for that lib.

Now a different component lib is throwing the same error, however, this lib isn't in my transform ignore patterns or having anything special done to it. I also don't see anything in that component libraries config that would be the root cause.

Package Version
babel-plugin-styled-components 1.10.0
jest-styled-components 7.0.0-2
jest 24.5.0
react 16.8.6
styled-components 4.2.0
mxstbr commented 5 years ago

We could probably just filter styled.keyframes from

zgreen commented 5 years ago

Seeing a very similar issue when trying to run jest:

typeerror: styled.createglobalstyle.withconfig is not a function

Still trying to determine if this is specific to something in my environment, though.

deini commented 5 years ago

Seeing a similar issue when running jest:

TypeError: styled.css.withConfig is not a function

It started occurring when I split a single library into two: Lib A and Lib B.

When component from Lib A imports a component from Lib B both libs built using this plugin.

Same build process in both, nothing really changed.

Using it as always:

import styled, { css } from 'styled-components';

If I remove the plugin from Lib A jest has no issues.

deini commented 5 years ago

I made a repo reproducing the issue. Not sure if its a bug or something wrong with my env setup 🤔.

deini commented 5 years ago

More info: With my current setup, the last compatible version was v1.6.4. Which really makes me believe its an issue on my end but not sure what, the sample repo is pretty straight forward 🤔

agorovyi commented 5 years ago

Having the same problem what I discovered today was that when we target ES modules the build output works perfectly fine. This issue happens only in CommonJS output for us. We are using Rollup to build our components for npm distribution in both ES and CJS versions.

Below are examples of the output.


var spinnerRotate = styled.keyframes(["100%{transform:rotate(360deg);}"]);

var spinnerRotate = keyframes(["100%{transform:rotate(360deg);}"]);

Would anyone know which direction we should go debugging this?

agorovyi commented 5 years ago

It seems like Rollup doesn't resolve named exports correctly:

Could be related to this problem.

theetrain commented 4 years ago

Following up on my comment above, my team and I are using this workaround to avoid the styled.keyframes.withConfig is not a function error:

View source for 'Spinner' component

import styled from 'styled-components'

const keyframes = require('styled-components').keyframes

const spinnerRotate = keyframes`
  100% {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

It's strange having to mix ES2015 import and CommonJS require in the same file. However, when we build our component using Rollup using the syntax above, we no longer see the error in our Jest tests. Errors would appear when components consuming our 'Spinner' component would run keyframes from our CommonJS export of Spinner. Here is the CommonJS export of Spinner, which contains the following lines:

function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }

var styled = _interopDefault(require('styled-components'));


var keyframes = require('styled-components').keyframes;

It's possible that Rollup's _interopDefault method is only fetching the default export, which could explain why the error in question gets thrown. I haven't had an opportunity to dig further, but I'll follow up once I do.

evandeininger commented 4 years ago

@theetrain Your fix worked for me, I went back to my rollup config later though and changed the output format to umd and it fixed this problem as well! I had to add my globals and a name but it worked. from:

  output: [
      file: pkg.main,
      format: 'cjs',
      sourcemap: true,
      file: pkg.module,
      format: 'es',
      sourcemap: true,


  output: [
      file: pkg.main,
      format: 'umd',
      sourcemap: true,
      name: 'my-components',
      globals: {
        react: 'React',
        'prop-types': 'PropTypes',
        grommet: 'grommet',
        'styled-components': 'styled',
        'styled-system': 'styledSystem',
      file: pkg.module,
      format: 'es',
      sourcemap: true,
SimonSomlai commented 4 years ago

I had a similar error related to styled-components and typescript-plugin-styled-components (which extends from babel-plugin-styled-components).

As I was using the typescript-plugin-styled-components to add readable classnames to the DOM whilst developing (related to this thread;, I got this error;

SyntheticEvent.extend.withConfig is not a function

The error was resolved when downgrading typescript-plugin-styled-components to 1.0.0.

Leaving this here for anyone else googling the same keywords I did ^^

415DomSmith commented 3 years ago

const keyframes = require('styled-components').keyframes

Ran in to this issue (again) after updating a bunch of dependencies and our rollup babel plugin after migrating to React 17.

The above solution worked in our NextJS app loading a component library that included a keyframe import from styled-components.

Thanks again for this @theetrain 🙏

davidpn11 commented 2 years ago

I'm not a huge fan of unnecessary dynamic imports. Especially with TS, we rely a lot on the inferred types that the named imports give you.

I had this error happening when importing a library, and it broke the tests on the consuming app. We didn't want to change the way the library worked to accommodate that.

Changing Jest's config to ignore the library did the job for me:

jest.config.js transformIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/(?!LIB_NAME).+$'],

Hope this helps =)