styled-components / comparison

Comparing different ways to style components
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Spec for comparison component #3

Closed mxstbr closed 7 years ago

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

We need a common component with the exact same behaviour. It needs to be:

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

@nikgraf has been thinking about making it a NavBar component, what do you think @JedWatson @jossmac? That fulfills the above criteria quite well with dropdowns.

jossmac commented 7 years ago

There's a lot of variables in a component like that. Wouldn't you start with something simpler and easier to measure, like a Button or Input?

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Those are too simple I think, we'd balloon them with features that nobody needs and it's not a valid comparison. I kinda agree that a NavBar might be too complex, but Button and Input are too simple. Something in the middle…

JedWatson commented 7 years ago


I'd add some requirements from the perspective of developing generic components:

NavBar might be a bit much but it could demonstrate these pretty well. Another option is a simple calendar UI mockup (has the component, a header, days, and buttons. we could animate scrolling left/right between months)

JedWatson commented 7 years ago

Should also demonstrate how conditional styles are applied in JS (props.isSelected) vs. CSS (:hover). Pseudo style support is important, and different frameworks handle the className prop differently (e.g. Aphrodite doesn't support the classnames package)

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

The problem is that theming isn't css-methodology specific. You can do theming via context, via props, via a global variable, via whatever but that doesn't have to mean it's specific to that one thing.

JedWatson commented 7 years ago

It would be good to include though; for example Aphrodite, Radium and Vanilla inline style all support runtime style generation (so having the theme in context is an option) whereas JSS doesn't (but you can still require theme variables in your JS). css-modules means applying variables at build time (I think, haven't worked with postCSS before)

jossmac commented 7 years ago

Aphrodite doesn't support the classnames package

@JedWatson how do you mean? Here's an example from a commercial project:

const componentClassname = classnames(css(classes.button), {
  [css(classes['kind__' + kind])]: kind,
  [css(classes['mode__' + mode])]: mode,
  [css(classes['size__' + size])]: size,
}, className)
JedWatson commented 7 years ago

@jossmac see Khan/aphrodite#114

MicheleBertoli commented 7 years ago

hello everyone, I've started this repo last year:

I'll be happy to contribute here if you need any help.

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Damn son, that's awesome @MicheleBertoli! Maybe we don't need to do this after all, taking a look! How have I not seen this before??

EDIT: Oh wait, I have it starred… 🙊

JedWatson commented 7 years ago

@MicheleBertoli that is awesome. I'm going to add a link in our Readme to your repo as the exhaustive reference. Would love to have your help with what we're doing here, if you want to join the org I'll add you?

@mxstbr I think this is still worth pursuing to do a deeper dive on less frameworks to establish how well each deals with the requirements we're laying out in the spec repo ..?

MicheleBertoli commented 7 years ago

thanks @mxstbr @JedWatson I would love to join the org and I'll be more than happy to help.

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Figuring out what component we want to present and with which frameworks will be the most important thing for now…

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

It would be good to include though; for example Aphrodite, Radium and Vanilla inline style all support runtime style generation (so having the theme in context is an option) whereas JSS doesn't (but you can still require theme variables in your JS). css-modules means applying variables at build time (I think, haven't worked with postCSS before)

You're right, let's create a component with some base styling that's overridden with theming. I still kinda like a NavBar but I could be convinced of something else if somebody has a better idea?

JedWatson commented 7 years ago

What about a vertical navigation stack? I think something about the horizontal size of a navbar is putting me off. Like this one from GitHub's primer framework (styled differently of course)

screen shot 2016-07-26 at 8 40 08 pm

Hits our requirements for multiple components, usage of :hover and props.isSelected, and we could stack multiple instances of it horizontally with different props (e.g. different theme / styles)

mxstbr commented 7 years ago
MicheleBertoli commented 7 years ago

+1 a NavBar seems to have all the requirements.

another solution would be to copy an existing piece of UI from a popular website. for example a tweet from


mxstbr commented 7 years ago

I love that idea @MicheleBertoli! I looked at the mobile twitter ones but they don't have any animation for me – I took a look at the main ones and they even give you the markup when you embed it:

<div data-twitter-event-id="0" class="SandboxRoot env-bp-350" style="position: relative;"><div class="EmbeddedTweet EmbeddedTweet--mediaForward media-forward js-clickToOpenTarget js-tweetIdInfo" data-click-to-open-target="" data-iframe-title="Twitter Tweet" data-dt-full="%{hours12}:%{minutes} %{amPm} - %{day} %{month} %{year}" data-dt-months="Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec" data-dt-am="AM" data-dt-pm="PM" data-dt-now="now" data-dt-s="s" data-dt-m="m" data-dt-h="h" data-dt-second="second" data-dt-seconds="seconds" data-dt-minute="minute" data-dt-minutes="minutes" data-dt-hour="hour" data-dt-hours="hours" data-dt-abbr="%{number}%{symbol}" data-dt-short="%{day} %{month}" data-dt-long="%{day} %{month} %{year}" data-scribe="page:tweet" data-tweet-id="732833839140229120" id="twitter-widget-0" lang="en" data-twitter-event-id="1">

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Looks quite complex 😁 (ref:

MicheleBertoli commented 7 years ago

thanks @mxstbr

they've got a pretty cool animation on the heart icon: twitter (not sure if that's what you had in mind)

their snippet looks pretty messy, you are right. we could rewrite/simplify it if we like the idea.

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Ah yeah I didn't see that, that's pretty good for me then! We don't necessarily have to use their markup since we don't care about browser support etc., so this sounds like a great idea to me!

Do you want to champion the first implementation? (with whatever methodology you want to use…)

MicheleBertoli commented 7 years ago

sure, if everyone is ok with the Twitter solution I will start implementing it with CSS Modules.

did we already agree on the structure (#3)? are there any style guides to follow?

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Yeah that sounds ace!

did we already agree on the structure (#3)? are there any style guides to follow?

Neither, I'm assuming there'll be some common build files maybe or text or something, but I'm sure you can figure that out! We definitely need child components and that sort of thing, but we can discuss about different architectures when we have a WIP PR 👍

geelen commented 7 years ago

The tweet card is a nice idea, because as a UI it also has to handle embedding a bunch of different media objects within. I'm going to start on my weird little idea with this tweet because it has an image, emoji, and links in the tweet. Also, 10/10 for relevance :)

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

I'm a fan of that tweet too @geelen! Incredible luck that you picked one we both adore out of the millions out there, wow! 👏

mxstbr commented 7 years ago

Closing this since this is pretty much done?