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styled-components injects styles for non loaded components on react-native-web #4271

Open macrozone opened 2 months ago

macrozone commented 2 months ago




I noticed this problem when tracing StyleSheet.create on react-native-web in the other issue

Steps to reproduce

you can actually use the same repo as in

  1. modify node_modules/react-native-web/dist/exports/StyleSheet/index.js
  2. on line 86, i function create(styles) { add console.log("create stylesheet", styles)
  3. rm -rf .next && yarn dev
  4. now go to http://localhost:3000/no-styled-components, you will see 5 stylesheets beeing created, for View, Text, our custom one in the page and some helpers
  5. restart and clear cache again: rm -rf .next && yarn dev
  6. now go to http://localhost:3000/the-bug
  7. you will see many more stylesheets beeing created, even for things that are not mounted

Expected Behavior

styled-components/native should only create Stylesheets for components actually created

Actual Behavior

styled-components/native creates stylesheet for unused components as well