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Interplay of `shouldForwardProp` clarifying question #4283

Open Tbhesswebber opened 1 month ago

Tbhesswebber commented 1 month ago

I looked through the docs and searched the web, but didn't find anything helpful. In doing some exploration locally, I ended up digging through the codebase and found the answer, but it seems... unintuitive (maybe that isn't the right word)... when it comes to authoring a library. So, what is the "right" way to think about shouldForwardProp as it pertains to "inheritance" and is there a recommended way for library authors make things configurable without overloading consumers?

Below are some examples...

Let's set the theoretical stage using a contrived, but hopefully realistic example...

As a library author, my library is quite large, so the quickest path to upgrade is to leverage shouldForwardProp rather than migrate everything to transient props. I know that every component is going to need @emotion/is-prop-valid, so I opt for the StyleSheetManager route and wrap that into the library's top level element for theming.

One consumer reports that, StyleSheetManager#shouldForwardProp is intermittently working. They have additional global cases where they want control over forwarded props. In this case, last declaration "wins".

// this prevents their custom predicate from working
return (
  <StyleSheetManager shouldForwardProp={customShouldForwardProp}>

// prevents my predicate from working
    <StyleSheetManager shouldForwardProp={customShouldForwardProp}>

I discover that my Input component is breaking because required is a valid attribute - now I update that component to leverage .withConfig to ignore that prop in particular. In the snippet below, global shouldForwardProp now, weirdly, no longer applies, which means I need to explicitly run my global checks locally. In this case, "last" declaration wins.

const Input = styled.div.withConfig({
  shouldForwardProp: (prop, component) => {
    if (prop === "required" && typeof component === "string") {
      return false;
    return globalShouldForwardProp(prop, component);

With the above change, a consumer decides that they want to forward the prop to the DOM for their use-case. Because I ignored it, their component never runs shouldForwardProp with that prop because I've shut it down. In this case, first declaration wins.

const MyInput = styled(Input).withConfig({
  shouldForwardProp: (prop, component) => {
    if (prop === "required" && typeof component === "string") {
      return true;
    return globalShouldForwardProp(prop, component);