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Cannot infer the 'as' and 'forwardedAs' props by React.ComponentProps #4294

Open XaveScor opened 2 weeks ago

XaveScor commented 2 weeks ago


typescript: 5.4.5 styled-components: 6.1.8


import * as React from "react";
import styled from "styled-components";

const A = styled.div``;

// Shows a typescript error in v5.4.5
type T1 = React.ComponentProps<typeof A>["as"]
type T2 = React.ComponentProps<typeof A>["forwardedAs"]

// but no error here
<A as='a' />;
<A forwardedAs='a' />;

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open typescript playground

Expected Behavior

as and forwardedAs props are available inside React.ComponentProps type

Actual Behavior

There are no these props