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Support for javascriptreact and typescriptreact filetypes #71

Closed Chris-Slade closed 4 years ago

Chris-Slade commented 4 years ago

Vim recently added javascriptreact and typescriptreact as filetypes, autodetected for .jsx and .tsx files (patch 8.1.1930). This plugin currently only supports the javascript and typescript filetypes.


I'm not sure what the best way to support these filetypes would be while maintaining compatibility with versions that don't have this patch. Providing copies of all the after/*/{typescript,javascript}.vim files renamed to typescriptreact.vim/javascriptreact.vim would be an ugly, but working solution. Or maybe a branch with the files renamed, for users with the patch.

fleischie commented 4 years ago

Hello @Chris-Slade,

thanks for your research and reporting this issue, I was a bit busy the last few days, hence I will look in to this issue only now.

(I thought there was something off with indenting on typescript + react, but I had prettier take care of formatting so 🤷‍♂ .)

fleischie commented 4 years ago


Could you check out the newest develop branch to see if that fixes your problem (if you had a specific one). I did something, but I couldn't really focus on this task at the moment.

Let me know, if it helps or if you think this should be enough. 😅

Chris-Slade commented 4 years ago

@fleischie Thanks for the response. runtime! seems to be the right way to handle this. Since only added aliases for the indent scripts, I created PR to source the syntax and ftplugin scripts as well. Tested on JS and TS React projects and everything seems to be working with those changes (omnifunc, highlighting, indenting).

fleischie commented 4 years ago

Cool. :+1: I just merged it an will make a new release.

For future reference: If this will be an issue again, please open another issue. :v: